death of the weekend

24 March Unknown 0 Comments

So recently my friend told me he wanted to make a mini documentary about the death of the weekend. By this, he means how recently the weekend just doesn't seem to bring with it the excitement and sense of joy that it did when we were younger. So this is me just rambling.

Weekends to me are a time for students to spend ten hours a day in a part time job, and those who aren't students and who work all week to let off some steam. And, because there are only two days on the weekend for most people in full time employment to let loose, students are wise enough not to venture anywhere near a bar on a Friday or Saturday. Well, unless they want to be met with an overcrowded, hot, sticky atmosphere where you can't hear anyone talk and can't be bothered to move or dance in case you lose your seat/bag/friends. A lot of clubs have the best and cheapest nights on a weekday, and most students would rather go out on a Thursday than a Friday.

To be in a job that means that the weekend is all I look forward too, would be the worst thing for me. I love my course at uni, I'm super passionate about it and I look forward to each week where I spend each day at uni, and hopefully I will get a job that I love equally. My mum for example loves her job, a Hairdresser. And I know some of my friends who really love what they do, but my Dad once told me that one of his only regrets was choosing a job for money, not for what he really wanted to do.

However with working at the weekend, when I've been at uni all week, you do start to feel like you never have any time for yourself. When I work at my other job (yes, I have two jobs) I really don't look forward to having to stay until close, clean everything up and go back to my flat on the wrong side of midnight, having done nothing I want with my day. (but I do get amazing pizza to take home).

For those people who do enjoy their weekends, I'm happy for you, I truly am. But, I hope that you don't live only for the weekend, counting down the days until Friday. Life should be enjoyed and not something we wish would rush past us without even realising.

I may sound pissed off, but don't get me wrong, I am very grateful. I'm at university, I have two jobs, a lovely group of friends and family and an amazing boyfriend but what I don't have, ever, is that elusive so called "Friday feeling". 

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